Carber Solution
Tel: 35435720 / 53495361
(星期一至五: 9-5:30pm, 星期六: 9-12:30pm)
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行車記錄儀是一種專用的車上監控攝影機,用於監控和記錄駕駛事故。 安裝在擋風玻璃上,汽車點火後自動開啟行車記錄儀,並使用自動循環機制主動記錄視頻。 它具有實時撞擊檢測功能,可以讓攝像機將事件錄像儲存在安全的位置。 影片可用作向保險公司索償的補充證據,也是向警方提供附加證據的重要影片。
GPS 可記錄肇事的位置
Why you need a dash cam
A “Silent Witness” You Can Depend On.
In the event of an accident, it is often difficult for drivers to recall the crucial details surrounding the accident, due to the shock and stress caused by the event. A DASH CAM plays the critical role of a reliable witness which can protect the driver against unjustified liability. With an in-car dashboard camera, you can rest assured that you have a dependable, silent companion with you at all times on your journey.

Store and Analyze your trip data with GPS.
With the GPS feature*, the Dash Cam embeds crucial information such as Speed and Location to all video files. It also provides the speed and direction of the vehicle the moment a collision occurs. As well the GPS will provide the direction and severity of the collision for a clear and accurate assessment of the event. You can also trace and review the saved journeys that you or anyone else behind the wheel has driven.
*Some models may require an optional accessory

Get In and Go
In this age of gadget overload, the last thing you would want is to worry about turning on yet another electrical device in your car. The Dash Cam automatically powers on and begins its video recording upon starting the ignition of your car, ensuring all crucial details will be captured in the event of an incident. In the case that an impact is registered, the dash cam is designed to store the surrounding 20 seconds before and after to the Micro SD Card, allowing the driver to review the footage at a later date.

Every Road is a Journey
Don’t underestimate the mundane – roads often offer their own little surprises to share. With a built-in Manual Recording Mode, your Dash Cam is always ready to preserve the extraordinary moments of your journey. Be it a spectacular herd of wild buffalos or perhaps a comet flying across the night sky, you will always be sure to have that magical moment captured with the Dash Cam.